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Tree of Life Development Centre

Tree of Life Development Centre

Provides technical support to the health sector for maternal, newborn, child and nutrition programmes

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A Conversation about When, Where, and How to Screen for Perinatal Mental Health Conditions.

Last month, the Perinatal Mental Health Community of Practice (PMH CoP) hosted a webinar to discuss pragmatic considerations for screening for common perinatal mental health disorders (CPMDs) as part of wider perinatal mental health programming. Speakers, including our Director, Simone Honikman, discussed best practices and resources for screening as part of integrated, comprehensive, stepped care models, and highlighted two country examples in India and South Africa.

You can watch the full webinar here:

#maternalMHmatters USAID MOMENTUM
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On this International Women's Day, let's commit to advocating for women's health and challenging the systemic barriers that prevent women from accessing quality and respectful healthcare. Together, we can work towards a world where all women can access the care and resources they need to thrive. #IWD2024 #womenshealth #treeoflifedevelopmentcentre #treeoflifedevelopment #RespectfulMaternityCare #MaternalHealth #preggymoms #limmcare #rmc ... See MoreSee Less

On this International Womens Day, lets commit to advocating for womens health and challenging the systemic barriers that prevent women from accessing quality and respectful healthcare. Together, we can work towards a world where all women can access the care and resources they need to thrive. #IWD2024 #womenshealth #treeoflifedevelopmentcentre #treeoflifedevelopment #RespectfulMaternityCare #MaternalHealth #preggymoms #limmcare #rmcImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

The team provided support to a facility by implementing Respectful Maternity Care (RMC). They conducted a session with healthcare providers to educate them about RMC and the necessary steps for its continuous implementation to ensure a positive care experience for mothers and quality care at every visit/contact. The team also provided a toolkit comprising materials that could be used to educate mothers about their pregnancy, labour, and birth. The toolkit also included tools that could support non-pharmacological pain relief.

During the visit, only one mother was in labour, and she didn't have a companion. To provide physical and emotional support and non-pharmacological pain relief such as massage and hot and cold packs, Joy Summerton supported the mother as her birth companion. Additionally, a poster of cervical dilatation was put up in each delivery room to help explain the labour progression to the mom and her birth companion.

#RMC #labourcompanion #RespectfulMaternityCare #ToLDC #TreeofLifeDevelopmentCentre #treeoflifedevelopment
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The team provided support to a facility by implementing Respectful Maternity Care (RMC). They conducted a session with healthcare providers to educate them about RMC and the necessary steps for its continuous implementation to ensure a positive care experience for mothers and quality care at every visit/contact. The team also provided a toolkit comprising materials that could be used to educate mothers about their pregnancy, labour, and birth. The toolkit also included tools that could support non-pharmacological pain relief.

During the visit, only one mother was in labour, and she didnt have a companion. To provide physical and emotional support and non-pharmacological pain relief such as massage and hot and cold packs, Joy Summerton supported the mother as her birth companion. Additionally, a poster of cervical dilatation was put up in each delivery room to help explain the labour progression to the mom and her birth companion.

#RMC #labourcompanion #RespectfulMaternityCare #ToLDC #TreeofLifeDevelopmentCentre #treeoflifedevelopmentImage attachment

Timeline photosAs #InternationalPrenatalInfectionPreventionMonth continues, this #ToolkitTuesday we're showcasing a South African guideline for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of communicable infections.

Find out more 👉
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Online communication tools for social change course ... See MoreSee Less

In SA, about 70-80 per million children are diagnosed with cancer annually. Limpopo data from the past 2 years indicates that about 46 per million children were diagnosed with cancer and received treatment from the only paediatric oncology unit in the province at Polokwane Tertiary Hospital.

The paediatric oncology team suspects this rate could underestimate the accurate picture since most children present later when they are very sick. To improve this, they have embarked on a province-wide awareness-raising effort to make the healthcare providers and the community aware of the early warning signs of childhood cancer using St SILUAN criteria.

This year, they visited Newlook Primary School in Polokwane Ext 71 to create awareness during the September national Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. This video depicts a snapshot of the proceedings during the day's events.

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Today we joined the rest of the world to commemorate World Prematurity Day under the theme "Small Actions, BIG Impact: Immediate Skin-to-Skin Care for Every Baby, Everywhere". Preterm birth (a baby born too early) is the leading cause of death among children under 5 years, with an estimated 1 in 10 (approximately 15 million) babies in the entire world being born too early or prematurely every year. We advocate for methods that save the lives of babies born too early, such as immediate skin-to-skin contact and Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC). Today we joined Mankweng Tertiary Hospital to celebrate their little heroes! We distributed little woolen hats and little purple "Bonding Hearts". It was touching to see the nurses and doctors taking their adult and 4yr old previous babies around the neonatal unit to show them the incubators that they spent their first few months of life in, then to the KMC Unit where their moms stayed with them during the same time period. Even more touching was seeing the current mommies of premature babies in the neonatal unit and KMC ward being filled with hope and excitement that one day their little Angels will also be walking the corridors and wards of the hospital that was their first home. Let us educate ourselves on how to reduce the risk of premature birth, how to care for a baby born too early, and how to support the parents/families of babies born to early. KMC, immediate Skin-to-Skin after birth, continous Skin-to-Skin and breastfeeding saves lives!!!!!!!💜💜💜💜💜 ... See MoreSee Less

Today we joined the rest of the world to commemorate World Prematurity Day under the theme Small Actions, BIG Impact: Immediate Skin-to-Skin Care for Every Baby, Everywhere. Preterm birth (a baby born too early) is the leading cause of death among children under 5 years, with an estimated 1 in 10 (approximately 15 million) babies in the entire world being born too early or prematurely every year. We advocate for methods that save the lives of babies born too early, such as  immediate skin-to-skin contact and Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC). Today we joined Mankweng Tertiary Hospital to celebrate their little heroes! We distributed little woolen hats and little purple Bonding Hearts. It was touching to see the nurses and doctors taking their adult and 4yr old previous babies around the neonatal unit to show them the incubators that they spent their first few months of life in, then to the KMC Unit where their moms stayed with them during the same time period. Even more touching was seeing the current mommies of premature babies in the neonatal unit and KMC ward being filled with hope and excitement that one day their little Angels will also be walking the corridors and wards of the hospital that was their first home. Let us educate ourselves on how to reduce the risk of premature birth, how to care for a baby born too early, and how to support the parents/families of babies born to early. KMC, immediate Skin-to-Skin after birth, continous Skin-to-Skin and breastfeeding saves lives!!!!!!!💜💜💜💜💜Image attachmentImage attachment+6Image attachment

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey for a mother and her family. However, some mothers may experience difficulties because of preexisting medical issues or conditions that arise during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman notices any of these danger signs during pregnancy, they should seek medical attention immediately! ... See MoreSee Less

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey for a mother and her family. However, some mothers may experience difficulties because of preexisting medical issues or conditions that arise during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman notices any of these danger signs during pregnancy, they should seek medical attention immediately!

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Communication education is key 👌

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Conceiving LIMMCARE…
15 Dec 2016

LINC, in partnership with the Provincial Clinical Specialist Team (PCST) and District Clinical Specialist Team (DCST) obstetricians, has been hard at work supporting the Maternal Health Programme, in an effort to devise strategies to improve antenatal care...